Wednesday, March 26, 2008

zipping ahead

For Thing #19 I went straight to the winners list, didn't like the first few I looked at and finally ended up at which got first place in the Games category. The Panda Golf was trickier than it looked.

and the next thing is...

or should I say was Thing #18. Except it is now done. Said post below on the relative merits of Breary and Lloyd was created in ZoHo and thereafter published (successfully) to my blog.
ZoHo was surprisingly simple to use and while there is a lot of functionality I have yet to explore it seems quite intuitive. I haven't decided yet how it could be used in my work but given that I am in a job share I suspect that applications for online productivity applications may yet emerge.

Nancy Breary versus Joanna Lloyd

For any serious collector of girls school stories the pre-eminence of Nancy Breary as the funniest writer of said school stories is beyond question. Unless you prefer Joanna Lloyd who is admittedly very funny and probably should not be read in the reading room of any major, scholarly library, like for example, the British Museum.

However Nancy Breary is funnier. Joanna Lloyd wrote six school stories and that Turner House thing is by all accounts (because I haven't got it and haven't read it) NOT funny. So really there are only five in her claim to be funny series. Nancy Breary wrote a lot more school stories and while not all of them are funny most of them are. Certainly she would have at least twenty genuinely funny school stories which the most basic of maths will tell you makes her FOUR TIMES funnier than Joanna Lloyd.

Thank you for your attention. This discussion has now concluded.

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grumble, grumble

Mia's gone to the trouble of setting things up so that those of us who didn't finish Learning 2.0 can now finish it. Bother.
I can't remember where I'm up to.
This is not serendipity. This is unserendipity.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Nancy Breary, totus

A refresher in adding pictures to posts and what better subject than a minor gloat about a subject dear to my heart - I have completed my Nancy Breary collection with the recent purchase on ebay of Too Many Girls, the elusive title published in North America while she was living there. The illustrations are by her sister.

I haven't read it yet. That's a whole different issue since once I read it there will be no more unread Nancy Breary books to look forward to.

Been a while

I've been reading a few blogs recently and I think I'll have another go, independent of Learning 2.0 to see if this is something I want to do