Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Once upon a time...

school story collectors relied on catalogues sent out snail mail by dealers most of whom lived in England. By the time said catalogues arrived in Australia all the really good stuff had been sold to people who didn't have to wait for the catalogue to travel halfway round the world. Then came email and online second hand book sites like and listservs of people with common interests and all of a sudden living in Australia became a Very Good Thing because people in Melbourne wake up hours before people in England and can read emailed catalogues first. And grab all the really good stuff except it now costs a lot more because dealers who used to be precious innocents regarding the rarity of certain books can now look on ABEbooks and see what other more knowledgable dealers are charging. But that's only a minor niggle.
This, by the way, has been my Techno Blog Thing #7.
I love buying books over the internet. Love it love it love it love it love it.

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