Saturday, September 29, 2007

And another hockey card

I've loaded a photo editing program onto my computer but suspect skill is more important than software.

Another account, another password, another thing (# 8)

All done. I am now a blogliner. I did select one of the topics as suggested. I chose weather since this seemed both useful and harmless and ended up with a feed from a hurricane centre somewhere in America and another one about earthquakes. At this point I taught myself how to un-feed and got rid of everything except the space weather which looks like fun. So instead of using the preselected menu provided by Bloglines I have Rss'd half a dozen authors I regularly search on ebay. It will be interesting to see how effective this tool is in alerting me to new listings. In the meantime I have 3 days and 21 hours to decided if I want to bid on one of Dorothea Moore's historical children's books. I don't like them but it's hard to fight the completist streak.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Once upon a time...

school story collectors relied on catalogues sent out snail mail by dealers most of whom lived in England. By the time said catalogues arrived in Australia all the really good stuff had been sold to people who didn't have to wait for the catalogue to travel halfway round the world. Then came email and online second hand book sites like and listservs of people with common interests and all of a sudden living in Australia became a Very Good Thing because people in Melbourne wake up hours before people in England and can read emailed catalogues first. And grab all the really good stuff except it now costs a lot more because dealers who used to be precious innocents regarding the rarity of certain books can now look on ABEbooks and see what other more knowledgable dealers are charging. But that's only a minor niggle.
This, by the way, has been my Techno Blog Thing #7.
I love buying books over the internet. Love it love it love it love it love it.

More hockey mash

This could get addictive.

Hockey mash

I'm going to have to work on improving the photo's suitability for use before generating the trading card. I foresee a series of hockey cards. Hopefully I'll get the hang on it. I really don't understand mash-ups yet but using this one was nice and straight forward.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Lemurs sunbathing at Melbourne Zoo

My first flickr upload and blog download - this is a photo Greg took at the zoo last Saturday. He took the kids while I did the morning shift at Collingwood. At least I got to see the photos.

The Nutcracker

To add to my membership of Google Groups and Blogspot, I am now remembering (with difficulty) passwords for Yahoo and Flickr. So far I have found 128,000 photos of Angkor Wat and changed my desktop at work to showing sunset over rice fields in Surin. It was supposed to be a rather nice nautical photo to go with talk like a pirate day but I discovered the hard way that going back and relocating a photo is simpler if you've taken the time to record a few details. Which I hadn't. So I couldn't. My latest search on flickr was for photos from the current Australian Ballet production of The Nutcracker. There was a rather nice shot of the souvenir chocolates available for the production but they weren't quite what I wanted so I nabbed this photo from another site. The photographer is Justin Smith. Tomorrow I'll come up with something else to download from flickr.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Bosherton Ponds Causeway

I have further advanced my understanding of blogging by adding a list, links and pictures. Also my blog was very dull. I may have chosen the wrong template but all my choosing faculties were exhausted by the strain of selecting a unique name.

Why rhumage?

I play Diablo which is a computer role-playing game
Rhumage is the name of one of my Diablo characters. She was a magic user whose development came to an abrupt halt in the lower reaches of Hell due to her lack of flexiblity but I liked the name and after swithering for twenty minutes this morning I thought I'd resuse it.